Friday, September 6, 2013

Why Chick-Fil-A is Poo (at least their oatmeal anyway)

This blog was originally intended for recipes I had tried or was thinking of trying.  Well, even though it looks like I haven’t cooked in the past 2 years, I have.  I just am REALLY lazy about putting any of the recipes I’ve used on this blog.  So I decided to go in a different direction.  This blog is now going to be a place where I review food and restaurants.  Now that I am going to the chiropractor every week (at the ungodly hour of 9 am) I have been eating breakfast out at least once a week.  As you can see by the title, today I went to Chick-Fil-A (or as my nephew Liam would call it: Chicky-Way).  For the last couple weeks I had been going to Panera Bread.  Their food is amazing and doesn’t taste remotely like poo.  Anyway today I decided to go somewhere that was cheaper because, as amazing as their food is, Panera is a bit expensive.  

Now I’m not someone who could be called impulsive.  I’m not the kind of person who sees a restaurant I’ve never heard of and decides to take a chance and eat there.  I’m the kind of person who researches a restaurant before I try it.  I’ll look at reviews, check out their website, and carefully examine their menu (mostly to look for hidden pork/bacon) before I’ll set foot in the place.  The only exception is if someone is treating me to a meal, because if you’re paying I’ll eat pretty much anywhere.  But I digress, back to Chicky-Way.  

Now I’ve been to Chicky-Way before and I usually love their food.  In fact up till now I had never had anything from Chicky-Way that didn’t taste good.  But today I decided to try and be a little more health conscious.  Lately I have been eating a lot of bread and according to my sister "bread is the devil" so basically I was trying to not eat the devil.  I decided to try their multigrain oatmeal with fruit.  Sounds good doesn’t it?  It even says this on their website (yes I checked out their breakfast menu before I went, don’t judge) “anything but dry and instant, our hearty oatmeal has flax, whole wheat and buckwheat.”  LIES!  Now I didn’t see them “prepare” my food because I was getting a straw for my lemonade, but it took about a minute.  It was a tiny bowl full of what tasted like instant oatmeal with a package of 5 raisins and some nuts.  But wait that’s not all!  For just a couple extra dollars I also got a “bowl” of fruit.  The fruit was extra.  Now I’ve had oatmeal at McDonald’s that was better.  McDonald’s oatmeal is instant but it comes in a bigger bowl and the fruit comes with it.  It is also cheaper.  If I’m eating and thinking to myself “man I should have just gone to McDonald’s” something is very wrong.

I should state here that I do really like Chicky-Way (their waffle fries are AMAZING).  I just didn’t like/hated their oatmeal.  What I am saying is DON’T BUY THE OATMEAL, SAVE YOURSELVES!  Anyway stay tuned for my next blog to see what I eat for breakfast on Wednesday!  Seriously people get a life already.